Monday, January 11, 2010

Over your rainbow? I prefer mine.

Dream: I want to teach English to people who want to learn English.

I do not want to teach in a school in the U.S.

Because no child in the U.S. takes school very seriously. They especially do not wish to follow a strict curriculum fashioned by old money grandparents who neglect any attempt to actually get to know the children that they are subduing.

CREATIVITY is what I want to teach. I want to give students the knowledge and tools to use English as an outlet, as an art...not a dry requirement.

So with this in mind, I want to teach in South Korea.
And I have no idea what the first step is.

I took a Korean course last semester, but the second half isn't offered. I did not think to be sure that there was even a second course, and the counselor failed to inform me of this. So basically I wasted $400, and 4/8 credit hours that I can never complete. Awesome. Now I'm stuck taking Spanish 1 and 2. Again.

Why can't I learn Vietnamese or Mandarin? Well, that is because my college only offers Vietnamese 1 and Mandarin 1. Not Vietnamese 2 or Mandarin 2. Lovely, yes?

Alright, Dream.

Let's do this!

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